Justin returns from living abroad in the hope of reconnecting with the biological daughter that he gave up for adoption. His plans go awry when he finds out his father left the family cottage to his s...
The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life and stand-up comedy of star, co-creator and real-lif...
Chris Evans将参演马克·韦布(超凡蜘蛛侠系列)执导新片《Gifted》。该片讲述美队扮演一名原本波士顿大学助教现在是修船工的Frank Adler在姐姐自杀后领养了外甥女Mary——一位智力过人的天才少女。Mary刚一入学就表现得与众不同,然而舅舅Frank只想让孩子过普通人生活。Mary的外婆得知了少女的天赋,出现在二人的生活里,要将Mary培养成数学天才。于是一场抚养权之争开始了。...
阿曼达(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)和她的丈夫克莱(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰)是一对幸福美满的夫妻,阳光明媚的日子里,阿曼达一家四口前往长岛享受美好假期。未曾想意外突然降临,一艘万吨邮轮毫无征兆冲上沙滩。惊恐万分的一家人回到他们租住的别墅,这时发现网络却断掉,迟迟未曾恢复。夜幕降临,别墅的主人乔治(马赫沙拉·阿里 Mahershala Ali 饰)和女儿罗丝(米...