Maya Rudolph is Molly Novak, a billionaire ready to save the world. Loot premieres June 24 on Apple TV+.
After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87...
又使我们成为国民,作他父神的祭司。但愿荣耀、权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们!(启示录1:6)And made us a kingdom , priests to his God and Father , to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever . Amen . ( Revelation 1:6 )...
该剧基于公共记录和Egil “Bud” Krogh、Matthew Krogh合著的《Integrity》一书创作。
故事讲述总统Richard Nixon自己的政治打手、“水门事件”主谋E. Howard Hunt(伍迪·哈里森 饰)和G. Gordon Liddy(贾斯汀·塞洛克斯 饰)如何意外推翻了他们本想竭力保护的总统职位。
Nixon有一支团队“水管工/ White Hous...