Twin Peaks before Twin Peaks (1990) and at the same time not always and entirely in the same place as Twin Peaks Fire Walk with Me (1992). A feature film which presents deleted scenes from Twin Peaks ...
专业摄影师米奇丹尼迷上了超级歌星切尔西,但一直希望抓拍她的计划却屡屡遭挫。当他最终夙愿以偿后,却发现那人并非切尔西本人而只是一个与她容貌相似的“替身”。更蹊跷的是,她与切尔西先后遭谋杀,而且自己竟成了头号嫌疑犯。米奇必须与时间赛跑,查清事实真相以示清白…… Paparazzi photographer Mickey Dane is obsessed with elusive pop singer...
After a girls' night out, endearingly awkward Deb wakes up in the apartment of the most attractive guy in Portland, Maine. She's thrilled, but she can't remember much of what got her there. Pretty boy...
Natty Gann (played by Meredith Salenger) is a twelve year old Depression era girl whose single-parent father leaves her behind in Chicago while he goes to Washington State to look for work in the timb...