Accomplished novelist Richard Sykes struggles to come up with a concept for a new book while trying to resolve his troubled marriage to Haley. In the process, he seeks out friends and colleagues to as...
The movie chronicles the events of history's man of mystery, Rasputin. Although not quite historically accurate and little emphasis is put on the politics of the day, Rasputin's rise to power and even...
A woman gets an opportunity to save the life of a 12-year old boy who witnessed a death during a thunderstorm which happened 25 years ago, by getting connected through the television set during a simi...
Aspiring actress, Kia Anderson, is about to learn that the final callback for a horror Feature Film is something more than she could ever of imagined - Something sinister is awaiting for Kia....
Dark Spell is a story about the girl named Zhenya who suffers from being in love with her husband that has left her, so she decides to bring him back. Desperate heroine casts a spell called Black Wedd...