新年将至,文化宫正在筹备一场盛大的跨年晚宴。奥古尔(伊戈尔·伊林斯基 Igor Ilyinsky 饰)是文化宫新上任的主任,这个严肃的男人决定将晚宴上要表演的所有节目都重新审核一遍,并且在跨年当天发表一份长达40分钟的学术演讲。 晚宴上的一切都让奥古尔感到非常的不爽——女演员们的裙子太短、乐队演奏的歌曲太过于花哨和肤浅、参会者竟然想带起花里胡哨的狂欢节面具来遮掩他们的容貌。奥古尔雷厉风行的对整改...
The story centres on a single mother and a married man who become lovers. They have agreed to only meet up for the purposes of a physical affair without any prospect of love, knowing full well their r...
Upon arrival to Venus, cosmonauts find furious volcanoes and sundry prehistoric beasts in Klushantev's film, based on a novel by the Soviet sci-fi writer Aleksandr Kazantsev. Footage has been recycled...
《通向行星路》的制作期长达三年,它是一部雄心勃勃的意识形态电影,包含着极具开创性的特效和精湛的手工模型作品。这部影片对库布里克《2001太空漫游》(2001:A Space Odyssey,1969)中对失重状态、灼热的星球和旋转式的太空站模型的在现实主义描写有着重要影响。 Klushantsev的《通向行星路》捕捉到了太空竞争的时代思潮。按照莫斯科电影官僚的指示,他在影片中增加了苏联第一个绕地...
A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren....