Experimental short film depicting the life, perhaps real, perhaps a dream, of a young girl named Emi. Emi travels to the city where she encounters her counterpart, Sari, and falls in love with...a vam...
The presidents of two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, are expected to meet for important negotiations. However, the meeting in jeopardy due to raging of the Russian Mafia, settled...
Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, from Louisville, Kentucky to Savannah, Georgia. Altho...
Meet the world's first 'cyborgs' - a quadriplegic, a blind man, an amputee, a bio-hacker, and a woman with Parkinson's - the scientists who help them, and one entrepreneur who will stop at nothing on ...