Set in 1978, the film marks the fourth joint effort between Monzón and Jorge Guerricaechevarría, and tells the action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled story of 17-year-old Nacho Cañas, an introverted studen...
为了应对911之后日益猖獗的恐怖主义,美国总统亨利·阿什顿(威廉·赫特 William Hurt 饰)与西方各国以及阿拉伯国家首脑相约西班牙的萨拉曼卡,将在此缔结全新的反恐同盟。是日阳光明媚,广场人头攒动,不同社会背景之人齐齐聚集,嘈杂万分。阿什顿总统的车队在一片欢呼和反对声中到来,六个月前为保护总统而遭到枪击的资深探员托马斯·巴恩斯(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)冲在最前方,警觉地...
Love at First Stream follows the stories of a streamer, a student, a breadwinner, and a heartthrob as they explore love and friendships online to escape their realities offline....
赏金猎人杰克?沃尔什(罗伯特?德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)为十万美元决定去纽约搜捕芝加哥黑帮头子吉米?瑟拉诺(丹尼斯?法里纳 Dennis Farina 饰)的会计乔纳森?马杜克斯(查尔斯?格罗丁 Charles Grodin 饰)。乔纳森贪污了吉米一千五百万美元,并将大部分钱捐给了慈善机构。杰克本打算带乔纳森乘飞机于周五午夜前抵达洛杉矶,但乔纳森患有飞行恐惧症,二人只好转乘火车。于...
A workman is accidentally sent into outer space, where he meets an alien that can make himself invisible. They return to Earth in the year 2447. Complications ensue....