Set in ?lesund, A Human Position is a slow-paced film that unfolds in successive tableaux, to form a complete picture of the subtle changes and events that make up one's life. It explores the pers...
《伊萨卡》是根据美国作家威廉·萨洛扬( William Saroyan)1943年的长篇小说《人间喜剧》(The Human Comedy)改编的,故事围绕着居住在加州小镇“伊萨卡”的14岁少年荷马(Homer Macauley)展开,哥哥去欧洲作战后,家中就剩下他来照顾妈妈、姐姐以及4岁的弟弟尤利西斯(Ulysses)。荷马是小镇上的自行车电报送信员,在1942年的那个春夏,他为小镇上的居民送去...
Maurizio is a stubborn boy who grows up near the fiumara, where people throw away whatever they no longer need. This open-air dump becomes his playground, where among wrecked cars and other treasures ...
There's a better life waiting for us. Who Somebody else... Where Somewhere else... Brand New-U is a highly unconventional romantic thriller an obsessive love story stripped down and re-arranged into t...
故事发生在一座位于英格兰的小镇之中,康斯坦斯(拉娜·特纳 Lana Turner 饰)在经历了纷飞的战火之后终于回到了自己的故乡,她准备在这里好好地疗愈一下疲惫的心灵。虽然小镇表面上是一副风平浪静岁月静好的模样,但实际上,小镇内部的权利中心早已经烂透了。在明媚的阳光之下,无时不刻不发生着丑陋而又肮脏的勾当,权利、道德和法律实际上垄断在了有钱人的手中,他们不容许任何人侵犯这份自私的财产。 一场谋杀...