“Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules,” is an all-new animated movie based on the second book in Jeff Kinney’s wildly popular book series. The original song from the film, “Can You Smell Us Now,” writte...
It tells a story about BL's fandom through Gap, an ordinary boy that never has any experience and the female lead who is an active...
WRITERS RETREAT is a horror film written by Jeremy Sheldon C.M. Taylor set on fictional Kilton Island where strangers come together to develop their writing. Mark Twain famously said Write what you...
故事发生在十字军东征时期,罗宾(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)身陷囹圄,带着两个狱友,罗宾杀死了警卫,成功越狱。途中,一个狱友不幸死去,临终时,他将遗物交给罗宾,托付他务必将此带给他的妹妹玛利亚(玛丽·伊丽莎白·马斯特兰托尼奥 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio 饰),而另一位狱友亚森(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)则成为了罗宾最坚定忠诚的战...