The Saphead is a 1920 comedy film featuring Buster Keaton. It was the actor's first starring role in a full-length feature and the film that launched his career. The plot was a merging of two stories...
Clarence Day (William Powell), is a benevolent despot of his 1880s New York City household. His wife Vinnie (Irene Dunne), is the real head of the household. The anecdotal story, encompassing such det...
Lin Yu is a boy who is constantly surrounded by misfortune and is always one step behind others. Since primary school, he has a crush on Zhang Qingqing, and continues to pin for her throughout his lif...
30年代初,密西西比州荒野的监狱里,唠唠叨叨、油嘴滑舌的艾弗瑞特(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)整天打着各种逃跑的鬼主意。在成功说服了狱友——头脑简单的德尔玛(蒂姆·布雷克 ·尼尔森 Tim Blake Nelson 饰)和贼大胆的皮特(约翰·特托罗 John Turturro 饰)之后,艾弗瑞...
在一个平静的夜晚,一辆飞驰而来的汽车,撞碎了音乐教授约翰(威廉·麦鲍瑟 William Mapother 饰)的幸福生活,他的妻女以及美好的人生都被尚未成年的少女罗娜(布里特·马灵 Brit Marling 饰)夺去。这起事故,也让罗娜的心灵蒙受巨大打击。罪恶感让她过着最底层的生活,却始终逃脱不掉灵魂的谴责。偶然机会,她重逢约翰,并以清洁人员的名义走进约翰潦倒无望的生活。在一段时间相处过后,他们渐...