故事发生在1953年的9月罗马尼亚的一个小村庄里,兰库(亚力山德鲁·波托西恩 Alexandru Potocean 饰)和玛拉(Meda Victor 饰)即将迎来他们盛大的婚礼,这一对男女是如此的相爱,除了做爱与结为夫妻,他们似乎再也无法找到什么更好的方式来传递他们的感情。然而,就在这大喜之时,传来了独裁者斯大林去世的消息,为了表达对他的祭奠,兰库和玛拉被告知他们必须取消婚礼。 对于兰库和玛拉...
罗塞塔(瓦伦蒂娜•斯卡里希 Valentina Scalici 饰)和卢恰诺(朱塞佩•伊拉西塔诺 Giuseppe Ieracitano 饰)是一对相依为命的姐弟,她们的母亲因为逼女儿卖淫而锒铛入狱。此事遭媒体曝光后,两人随后被两个警察送上了去孤儿院的列车。其中一个警察因事先行告退,将姐弟俩托付给警察安东尼奥(恩里克•洛维索 Enrico Lo Verso 饰)独自看护。姐姐背负着雏妓的心理压力,...
Nikita, talented young dancer, enters Let's Dance competition to earn money for his brother's surgery but a brief encounter with a famous singer Liza, who hosts the competition, puts his chances of wi...
The story of a heavy metal drummer who blows his eardrums out and must learn to adapt to a world of silence. An introspective journey into the vortex of our senses, tinkering with cinema's boundaries....