A single mother who becomes the first victim of kidnapper Ariel Castro finds herself trapped in his home for 11 years, where she eventually becomes a friend and sister to two other women who are taken...
A heroic story about firefighters and rescuers. What we call an act of bravery is just a usual routine for them, if only one can get used to mortal danger and extreme risk. When people in distress se...
King of the Hill 是美国动画情景喜剧,由 Mike Judge和 Greg Daniels于1997年1月12日至2010年5月6日在福克斯发行。故事集中在虚构的德克萨斯州(Texas)的阿伦镇(Arlen)上的 Hank Hill 一家。它试图用保持现实的方法,在日常生活中的常规和世俗方面寻求幽默,并对一些时事和社会现象进行调侃,但相较于恶搞之家(Family Guy)和南方公园...
Celebrates the remarkable comeback of one of the world's most iconic animals. Tiger populations have rebounded so successfully, many of the big cats are venturing from India's forest reserves ...