'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-w...
2005年索菲亚国际电影节回顾单元评选的“保加利亚影史十部最伟大影片”之一。 A large balloon suddenly appears above villages and fields and grabs the attention of the peasants. They start liking the sudden guest from nowhere for the beau...
Kathir works as an IT professional at Dindigul and visited his village on a holiday in order to attend his elder brother's wedding but only to realise that the wedding has been cancelled. Things take ...
Three women struggle to survive in the Alaskan wilderness after a mysterious event has left them homeless. Along the way, they encounter other survivors who are out to help or hurt them, as well as a ...