Lord Zedd is introduced as the new arch-rival of the Power Rangers. Angered by the failure of Rita, he imprisons her in the Dumpster again and sets about defeating the Power Rangers by immobilizing th...
An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in meijubar.net order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends a...
The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, Transwarped, and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of Transwarped focused on the Autobots' attempt to reach...
Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released fr...