Jonathan MacKinlay(Michael Jefferson 饰)经历了一场恐怖的车祸,这场车祸杀死了他的妻子,自此事之后,Jonathan MacKinlay一直患有恐怖症。妻子死后,他将自己困在家中,每天如此,只有他最好的朋友Taylor(Andrew Ruth 饰)、他的心理医生能帮他打破这种单调乏味的生活。后来,他开始相信有邪恶力量存在于他的家中,但是,这是真的吗?还是他自己的...
Mike and Angie Jones are determined to keep their seven-year-old daughter, Sophie, out of a demon’s hands.They will do everything in their power to make her safe and to bring an end to the turmoil the...
After a routine prison transfer crashes in the forest, young Inuit paramedic Melina finds herself surrounded by murderers with a mere 100 feet to climb out of a ditch to escape. When they are attacked...
电视台女主播安吉拉(珍妮弗?卡彭特 Jennifer Carpenter 饰)第一次出镜有些紧张,因为她要参加一个在洛杉矶某消防局与队员共度夜晚的节目。安吉拉性格热情开朗,所以逐渐融入了这个团队,她不但了解了每个人的个性,而且还迅速成为了他们的开心果。然而,突然接到911的报警电话,安吉拉随这群消防队员来到了出事地点。在这座阴森可怖的大楼里,不时传出女人凄厉的尖叫,当地警方已经封锁了大楼,消防队员...