A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identi...
Reenactments drive this documentary investigating the mastermind behind a scam to sneak the kids of rich and famous families into top US universities....
知名电视财经专家李·盖茨(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)在电视财经节目《金钱怪兽》中担任主持人而声名大噪,在节目中经常出现疯狂举动,会大声说出投资建议,不时在节目中用搞笑的道具和音效介绍股市。然而,事实上他是透过内线消息让他在华尔街成为赚钱高手。一名不速之客(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰),因为听信投资分析而赔光积蓄,因此在节目直播中绑架了盖茨与节目制...
Set on Christmas Eve in a small convenience store near the bottom of the socioeconomic food chain where a hostage situation breaks out over a $156 million lottery ticket....
过气的好莱坞名星乔伊·斯科特(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)在位于马布里海滩的豪宅内独自生活,来这里的客人除了妓女就是毒贩。他的生活似乎陷入了万劫不复的泥潭,新欢留下了一只该死的狗害他心烦意乱,惟一还可以和他交流的女佣因无法忍受他糜烂的生活决定辞职,连他的经纪人也对他冷言冷语甚至直接炒他的鱿鱼。正当他的生活陷入前所未有的困顿之时却意外接到他母亲的电话,电话里告知他童年玩伴博茨的死讯...